This is the Tony Monaco composition “Indonesian Nights.” A medium tempo groover as recorded by guitarist Vinny Valentino, drummer Steve Smith and organist Tony Monaco for the album Groove Blue.
This is the Tony Monaco composition “I Remember Jimmy,” minus guitar, based on the standard “Confirmation,” as recorded by guitarist Vinny Valentino, drummer Steve Smith and organist Tony Monaco for the album Groove Blue.
This is the Tony Monaco composition “I Remember Jimmy,” minus drums, based on the standard “Confirmation,” as recorded by guitarist Vinny Valentino, drummer Steve Smith and organist Tony Monaco for the album Groove Blue.
This is the Tony Monaco composition “I Remember Jimmy” minus organ, based on the standard “Confirmation,” as recorded by guitarist Vinny Valentino, drummer Steve Smith and organist Tony Monaco for the album Groove Blue.
This is the Tony Monaco composition “I Remember Jimmy” based on the standard “Confirmation,” as recorded by guitarist Vinny Valentino, drummer Steve Smith and organist Tony Monaco for the album Groove Blue.
This is the standard composition “On Green Dolphin Street” minus guitar as recorded by guitarist Vinny Valentino, drummer Steve Smith and organist Tony Monaco for the album Groove Blue.
This is the standard composition “On Green Dolphin Street” minus bass as recorded by guitarist Vinny Valentino, drummer Steve Smith and organist Tony Monaco for the album Groove Blue.
This is the standard composition “On Green Dolphin Street” minus drums as recorded by guitarist Vinny Valentino, drummer Steve Smith and organist Tony Monaco for the album Groove Blue.
This is the standard composition “On Green Dolphin Street” as recorded by guitarist Vinny Valentino, drummer Steve Smith and organist Tony Monaco for the album Groove Blue.
This is the Vinny Valentino composition “The Brush Off.” minus the drums as recorded by guitarist Vinny Valentino, drummer Steve Smith and organist Tony Monaco for the album Groove Blue.