This is the standard Donna Lee minus the drum track.
This is a zip file of Rhythmic Conversations from Russ Miller’s Arrival CD. It contains the tracks as they where recorded plus both parts minus drums, plus the associated charts for each track. 39 products in all.
You will save $67.62 or 25% compared to buying the tracks separately.
01 Rhythmic Conversation-Russ Miller_Steve Smith_ Pete Lockett.mp3
02 Rhythmic Conversation-Russ Miller_John _JR_ Robinson.mp3
03 Rhythmic Conversation-Russ Miller_Johnny Rabb.mp3
04 Rhythmic Conversation-Russ Miller_Zoro.mp3
05 Rhythmic Conversation-Russ Miller_Jeff Hamilton.mp3
06 Rhythmic Conversation-Russ Miller_Rick Marotta.mp3
07 Rhythmic Conversation-Russ Miller_Steve Gadd.mp3
08 Rhythmic Conversation-Russ Miller_Akira Jimbo.mp3
09 Rhythmic Conversation-Russ Miller_Wolfgang Haffner.mp3
01 Rhythmic Conversation – Russ Miller_Steve Smith_Pete Lockett Minus Russ Miller.mp3
02 Rhythmic Conversation – Russ Miller_Steve Smith_Pete Lockett Minus Steve Smith.mp3
03 Rhythmic Conversation – Russ Miller_John _JR_ Robinson Minus Russ Miller.mp3
04 Rhythmic Conversation – Russ Miller_John _JR_ Robinson Minus John _JR_ Robinson.mp3
05 Rhythmic Conversation – Russ Miller_Johnny Rabb Minus Russ Miller.mp3
06 Rhythmic Conversation – Russ Miller_Johnny Rabb Minus Johnny Rabb.mp3
07 Rhythmic Conversation – Russ Miller_Zoro Minus Russ Miller.mp3
08 Rhythmic Conversation – Russ Miller_Zoro Minus Zoro.mp3
09 Rhythmic Conversation – Russ Miller_Jeff Hamilton Minus Russ Miller.mp3
10 Rhythmic Conversation – Russ Miller_Jeff Hamilton Minus Jeff Hamilton.mp3
11 Rhythmic Conversation – Russ Miller_Rick Marotta Minus Russ Miller.mp3
12 Rhythmic Conversation – Russ Miller_Rick Marotta Minus Rick Marotta.mp3
13 Rhythmic Conversation – Russ Miller_Steve Gadd Minus Russ Miller.mp3
14 Rhythmic Conversation – Russ Miller_Steve Gadd Minus Steve Gadd.mp3
15 Rhythmic Conversation – Russ Miller_Akira Jimbo Minus Russ Miller.mp3
16 Rhythmic Conversation – Russ Miller_Akira Jimbo Minus Akira Jimbo.mp3
17 Rhythmic Conversation – Russ Miller_Wolfgang Haffner Minus Russ Miller.mp3
18 Rhythmic Conversation – Russ Miller_Wolfgang Haffner Minus Wolfgang Haffner.mp3
Miller _ Gadd (Gadd).pdf
Miller _ Gadd (Russ).pdf
Miller_Haffner (Drums).pdf
Miller_Hamilton (Drums).pdf
Miller_Jimbo (Drums).pdf
Miller_Marotta (Drums).pdf
Miller_Rabb (Drums).pdf
Miller_Robinson (JR).pdf
Miller_Robinson (Russ).pdf
Miller_Smith_Lockett (Drums).pdf
Miller_Zoro (Russ).pdf
Miller_Zoro (Zoro).pdf
this audio sample contains clips of all tracks for this download. Russ Miller’s Arrival CD as it was recorded plus the play along tracks minus the drums and 5 of the associated charts.
This package will save you $43.76 or 25% compared to buying the tracks separately.
“Arrival”, the featured 80-minute audio CD, is Miller’s third independent record project and features ten new compositions performed by an all-star line-up of musicians, including world-class percussionists Pete Lockett, Luis Conte and Richie Gajate Garcia. Interspersed with these ensemble performances are nine “Rhythmic Conversations”- original drum duets between Russ and modern drum heroes Steve Gadd, Steve Smith, Jeff Hamilton, Rick Marotta, Zoro, Johnny Rabb, John “JR” Robinson, Akira Jimbo and Wolfgang Haffner.
1. ToastForEli_Play Along.mp3
2. Arrival_Play Along.mp3
3. Evalc2_3_Play Along.mp3
4. FineLine_Play Along.mp3
5. MosquitoBite_Play Along.mp3
6. NiteroiWaits _Play Along.mp3
7. RhythmWorld_Play Along.mp3
8. RSVP_Play Along.mp3
9. Stuffed_Play Along.mp3
10. TheLastDecember_Play Along.mp3
11. The Last December.mp3
12. Niteroi Waits.mp3
13. Evalc 2_3.mp3
14. Rhythm World.mp3
15. Mosquito Bite.mp3
16. Arrival.mp3
17. Fine Line.mp3
18. Toast For Eli.mp3
19. Stuffed.mp3
20. RSVP.mp3
21. RSVP MR.pdf
22. Arrival MR.pdf
23. Niteroi Waits MR.pdf
24. Stuffed MR.pdf
25. Toast For Eli MR.pdf
This package contains 12 tracks including the original recording and the track minus drums. These tracks are specifically selected for beginning players. The tempos are slow to medium and the melodies are easy to learn and follow.
Refer to and study with the complete recordings for ideas and inspiration.
This package saves you $12.89 or 18% compared to buying the tracks individually.
Autumn Leaves minus drums
Cantaloupe Island minus drums
Things Ain’t What They Used to Be
Things Ain’t What They Used to Be minus drums
This package contains 12 tracks including the original recording and the track minus drums. These tracks are specifically selected for intermediate players.
This package saves you $12.89 or 18% compared to buying the tracks individually.
All Blues up tempo
All Blues minus drums up tempo
Alone Together
Alone Together minus drums
Bessies Blues
Bessies Blues minus drums
Fly Me to the Moon
Fly Me to the Moon minus drums
My Little Suede Shoes
My Little Suede Shoes minus drums
On Green Dolphin Street
On Green Dolphin Street minus drums
This package contains 12 tracks including the original recording and the track minus drums. These tracks are specifically selected for intermediate players.
This package saves you $12.89 or 18% compared to buying the tracks individually.
All of Me
All of Me minus drums
Bessies Blues in G
Bessies Blues in G minus drums
Body and Soul
Body and Soul minus drums
Equinox minus drums
Maiden Voyage
Maiden Voyage minus drums
They Cant Take that Away
They Cant Take that Away minus drums
This package contains 12 tracks including the original recording and the track minus the drums. These tracks are specifically selected for advanced players.
Practice and study to these tracks with medium to fast tempos. The harmony and melodies are more complex. Refer to and study with the complete recordings for ideas and inspiration.
This package saves you $12.89 or 18% compared to buying the tracks individually.
All the Things You Are
All the Things You Are minus drums
Bluesette minus drums
Cotton Tail
Cotton Tail minus drums
Giant Steps
Giant Steps minus drums
Seven Steps to Heaven
Seven Steps to Heaven minus drums
Softly as in a Morning Sunrise
Softly as in a Morning Sunrise minus drums
This is the standard So What minus the drum track.
This is the R & B standard “If You Want Me To Stay” minus the drums, performed by Joel Rosenblatt, Vinny Valentino, Chrissi Poland and Chris Tarry.